Blog Archive


Sunday, 6 November 2016


This Week At School!

We are Makers! Here is a sneak peek of one of the exciting things we are making as part of our Ancient Civilization Inquiry!

To some it may look like a large toilet paper tube...BUT not to us! We see people from Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt. We see mythical creatures and animals that existed long ago. Stay tuned for our next steps!

Shadows Galore! On Friday we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and radiant sunlight and went hunting for shadows!

Check out some of these awesome shadows that we captured! We used a canvas that has been stretched onto a frame and set out to find some shadows around the schoolyard. Cathy helped us by getting the frames and reminded us to use the order: sun, object, canvas when taking our pictures. We had 6 groups, each group had a camera and in 20 minutes we got some really great shots. We will use the pictures as part of an upcoming project!
Triath-a-Thon Assembly! Thank you for all your support for this year's Triath-a-Thon fundraiser. Our class got third place for our fundraising efforts and have earned some prizes!

We are already thinking about using both of these on the same day...but at the same time hoping the snow can wait for  a bit before it graces us with its presence!
Cheers to another busy week of school filled with lots of thinking and learning! (We also joined Room 125 for a dance class, but were too busy dancing to take time!)

-We are painting this week (Monday and Tuesday). We are using acrylic paint, so please wear clothing it is okay to paint in
-Home Reading folders (with the completed Ask Me...) question needs to be handed in Monday (every Monday)
-Book orders are due on Wednesday
-Remembrance Day Assembly is on Thursday and there is no school on Friday

Have a great week!

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