Blog Archive


Monday, 28 November 2016

Lego Instant Challenge!

Today at school we did a Lego Instant Challenge for Integrated Inquiry time. We were split into partners by using a match game. Then we chose a random activity card and completed the task using Lego. We used the 4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Criticial Thinking and Creativity to help us. It was extremely fun BUT we also learned how to work with other people and that things don't always work out how you think they will.
Our next step is to make our own activity cards for Lego challenges!

Our Finished Products!

Take a closer look of some of the activity cards and our creations!

Friday, 25 November 2016

Multiplication Mash Up!

As we start learning about multplication (for some) and reviewing multiplication (for others) we have found a fun way to help us learn some facts! We love to sing along to the catchy music! There are many different videos on youtube that help with learning multiplication.
We haven't been doing too much multiplcation work yet, but thought this was a fun way to generate some interest! One student is already trying to write her own song!
As part of this week's "Ask Me..." question the students will show this video or talk about it and write something they like/dislike/learned, etc..


First Snowfall!

We were pretty excited this finally snowed! We just had to enjoy "Mother Nature's Maker Space" and get outdoors for Outdoor Education!  First we played a tag game with Cathy where we had two foxes and a lot of geese. The foxes were looking for food (in the form of geese)! You had to stay on the lines we made in the snow. Once you were tagged/ "eaten" you moved to the second area and played the same game (and wne bak and forth between games). That got our hearts pumping! After that we had "Maker" time and created things with snow, twigs and leaves (twigs that had already fallen to the ground-no breaking twigs off branches). Check out our day!
Our tag area...stick to the path!

Run, Run, Run!

The making of a fort!

The base of a snowman!

Sticky snow for making is the best!

Saturday, 19 November 2016


Thank you to all the families who came to conferences this past week. What a great turnout. I hope you enjoyed seeing what your children are up to...I know they thoroughly enjoyed having you (as did I)! Please feel free to stop by again and take a peek at what we are working on.
Just in case anyone missed the conference (I know people work and sometimes only one parent is able to come) I thought I'd share a few pictures of some of the things the class has been working on.
Contributions made by Ancient Civilizations that have impacted how we live today. Great list made by the students.

Everyone Has The Right writing with a student silhouette border!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

We Are Finished!

We did it! Our Ancient Civilization People are done! Here is a picture of our finished products!
P.S They will be on display during conferences tomorrow and Friday (along with a fun game outside the room!) Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Ta Da!
We are so proud of how they turned out!
We also came up with a great list of contributions made by Ancient Societies that affect how we live in the present.
AND added a page in our "A World of My Own" books about travelling back in time to our chosen Ancient Civilization.

Loving the learning that happens each day in our class :)

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

"Wonderful Warm Wednesday!!"

Well wasn't today just the most gorgeous weather you have ever seen for November 9th?!

Check out our busy day!

Our progress...
These Ancient Civilization people/animals are looking more and more awesome!
The students were so patient while waiting for an adult to do the hot gluing and were
definitely giving each other feedback and ideas. I'm very impressed with the whole project!
Not sure if we will have time to work on them tomorrow. If not...Monday for sure!

Murray had the brilliant idea of doing Yoga outside today.
It really was so great to get out and feel the warmth of the sun and
smell and breathe the fresh air.
We really couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend more time outside.
We took our poetry writing to the playground. Many of the students felt inspired
by nature, and some felt it was a bit windy for writing, but all in all it was time well spent!

-Students are to wear white tops with dark bottoms tomorrow for the Remembrance Day Assembly. Families are welcome to join us for the assembly at 2:30. Students will be receiving a poppy to wear tomorrow. Donations are welcome.
-There is no school on Friday 
-"Ask me..." homework is due on Monday (along with the purple Home Reading folder)

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

The 4Cs In Action!

Ancient Civilization Tube People are in full force!

The class is really enjoying the process of "Making". It is important that we understand that this is a process and it is not all about the end product. The students are using the language of the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity). A project like this is a great way to demonstrate all the 4C skills. The students are working within groups based on interest. They are creating their own "tube people", but they are also using each other to communicate thoughts and ideas and to collaborate together to choose features and accessories that make sense. Critical thinking is a skill that helps students make their work even better. Something didn't work...why?...what can you change to make it work this time?...something didn't look right...what else could you try? Then of course there is creativity. Just take one look at our projects and you will see the creativity flowing!
We started with making a 'blueprint' based on the pictures we chose and the previous sketches we had made. What do you want your person to look like and what materials do you think you'll need. We painted the tubes where we wanted there to be skin colour. The rest will be covered in materials for clothing, etc. Now it was time to add features for the face.

We got a lot of faces finished. Many people now have hair and other accessories that are adding a lot of creativity and character to our projects.

Next Steps:

We will continue to work on our tube people today and continue to use the 4Cs during our design process. We will ask each other questions and for opinions and make adjustments as we need to. We will look at each other's work and get inspired from that too. I can't wait to continue this learning journey and see what these kids will come up with next!!

You can look forward to more pictures later on today!!!

Sunday, 6 November 2016


This Week At School!

We are Makers! Here is a sneak peek of one of the exciting things we are making as part of our Ancient Civilization Inquiry!

To some it may look like a large toilet paper tube...BUT not to us! We see people from Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt. We see mythical creatures and animals that existed long ago. Stay tuned for our next steps!

Shadows Galore! On Friday we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and radiant sunlight and went hunting for shadows!

Check out some of these awesome shadows that we captured! We used a canvas that has been stretched onto a frame and set out to find some shadows around the schoolyard. Cathy helped us by getting the frames and reminded us to use the order: sun, object, canvas when taking our pictures. We had 6 groups, each group had a camera and in 20 minutes we got some really great shots. We will use the pictures as part of an upcoming project!
Triath-a-Thon Assembly! Thank you for all your support for this year's Triath-a-Thon fundraiser. Our class got third place for our fundraising efforts and have earned some prizes!

We are already thinking about using both of these on the same day...but at the same time hoping the snow can wait for  a bit before it graces us with its presence!
Cheers to another busy week of school filled with lots of thinking and learning! (We also joined Room 125 for a dance class, but were too busy dancing to take time!)

-We are painting this week (Monday and Tuesday). We are using acrylic paint, so please wear clothing it is okay to paint in
-Home Reading folders (with the completed Ask Me...) question needs to be handed in Monday (every Monday)
-Book orders are due on Wednesday
-Remembrance Day Assembly is on Thursday and there is no school on Friday

Have a great week!